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In remembrance of Richard D. and Marthada Reed’s “Historic MSD: The Story of Missouri School for the Deaf” book published by the Ovid Bell Press in 2000. 29 September 2000 was the day of celebration of their release. Good articles found in the MO Record. Thanks to Superintendent’s Administration Assistant Donna Wolfe for her prompt response with the attachments. The Historic MSD is one of the only book in existence that shares our experience with pictures especially several pages about the Missouri School for the Deaf Alumni Association way back on 1 September 1891! The keyword in the Index page of the book will be “Alumni Association” on pp. 487.

(2000) Reed, Richard D. Historic MSD (pp. 436). Ovid Bell Press, Fulton, Missouri 65251.


“The First Alumni Reunion”

  “Supt. Tate was in complete and hearty agreement with graduates of the School in their wish for a reunion in Fulton. Early in his administration he persuaded the General Assembly to give permission for such a gathering.

  Over a hundred people traveled to Fulton for this event. The three-day meeting was called to order by Henry Gross, Chairman of the Committee on Arrangements, September 1, 1891, in the chapel of the newly completed school building. The alumni were made to feel at home by the enthusiastic welcome extended by Supt. Tate and by Samuel Dedman, President of the Board of Managers. Mr. Dedman pointed up the close tie between the School and the City of Fulton, “Fulton is a proud city,” he said. “Justly proud. We are proud of our society, proud of our business, proud of our Schools and colleges, but we are especially proud of this grand Institution!”

  “It had been just 40 years since William Dabney Kerr established his school in a farmhouse on the outskirts of Fulton.”

(2000) Reed, Richard D. Historic MSD (pp. 77). Ovid Bell Press, Fulton, Missouri 65251.

(2000). MO Record (pp. 7-8). Missouri School for the Deaf.

Established 1891